International School of Engineering and Nature Science


Studing Process

ISENS provides teaching of children from 6 to 17 years old. Moreover we have proposition for adults as well. For each age group its own teaching concept is elaborated, which is supported by curriculum and studing program. The continuity between curricula exists. In Other words, if a child came to us at 6, and was taught out in the preschool age group, it will be much easier to understand material in the middle group, because it is based on the knowledges received earlier.

We try to enforce theoretical knowledge by practical skills. For this purpose a set of completely supported (technically and methodically) laboratory works are developed by our methodists. Seminars are also very good, because they teach children to prepare reports and presentations and of cource to formulate their thoughts correctly.

School rules

  • Admission to the school is carried out from the age of 6. The maximum age is not limited.
  • A costfree individual test lesson with each child is provided before enrollment. The main goal of this lesson is aquaintance. Our teachers tell how future lessons will go, at the same time we descide which studing program will better fit the child.
  • The enrollment is provided after the contract between the school administration and the child's parents is signed.
  • The children are comlpetely supported by all nesessary materials and equipment at our school.
  • As the expencive equipment (sensetive to liquids, dust, fat and other agressive factors influence) is used while our lessons, it is strongly restricted to drink and eat in the working area. Children can do this at a special area, of course if the pepsonal gigiene rules are keeped.
  • To prevent the spread of infectioon diseases, the parents should bring their children to school in perfect health.
  • While lockdown our school works online. Exсeptions can be made only for 6-7 year old groups, for whom classes are provided in offline mode.
  • Parents should bring and take out their children in time. If some unknown person comes for a child (nurce, uncle, granny), parents must inform the teacher in advice.
  • We do not encourage frequent absence from classes - this leads to a deterioration in the quality of education.
  • If a child visits school by own (unaccompanied), the school administration should be informed of this in a written form.
  • At school, children are required to follow safety rules. Children get acquainted with these rules at the first lesson in the presence of parents. In case of regular violation of the rules by the child, the school reserves the right to expel the student.
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Main areas

The most important subjects for us are physics, math, logics and chemistry. The meterial is given in a play form for youngest age group. The main attention is given to observation and discussion of fundamental laws and facts with the middleagers. And we demonstrate how the laws of physics envolve in mathematical models and algorythms to our oldest students. If we meet with the fact that students have some spaces in basikal knowledges, we slow down and look deeper into particular theme. Thus we not olny raise up the education quality at our school, but also help our students to understand better that material, which they got as part of the compulsory school curriculum.

A special place in our studing process is given to programming. We use several training robots with our smallest students. It gives us an abbylity to show main programming concepts to 6 year old children in a very simple form, so they become ready to meet this material in the further studing phases. Middleagers usually start with the block programming, which gives the program algorithmic structure understanding. And finally we give several adult programming languages to our teenagers. It should be mentioned that we do not have the main goal to teach our students some programming language syntax itself. Our main aim is to teach children systematic thinking, to give them some specific mathematical apparatus, that gives an ability of project development using programming language as a tool.

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One more whale our studing programs are based on is general engigeering training. Here we lean on the Mechanical Phisycs, and of course on everyone's favorite robot assembly which develops fine motor skills of the hands and spatial thinking. During this lessons children learn how to use a screwdrivew and wrench, what is the difference between a screw and a bolt etc. Children get the first practical aquanitance with the geometry rules and concepts.


Landstraßer Hauptstraße, 148, Stiege 1, Top B2, Vienna, Austria, 1030
Pražská 11, office 716, Bratislava