International School of Engineering and Nature Science


What's going on?

Summer is a traditional rest and entertainment time, but it is widely known that the best way of rest is to change form of activity. ISENS team came to this problem solution in a creative form, as usual. "INFORMATION" was the work name of our campus, so we proposed our students to look at this term in a way, different from that we do during the school year.

Such standard operations for the Information systems like data collection, processing, storage and transmission were looked at not only from the technical side. Children tried themselves in the roles of cinema operators and photo artists, journalists and scenarists, film editors and drone operators.

Friendly atmosphere

Though ISENS students meet each other while different events during the year, the campus united them into a big family.

Children walked much and made lots of photos, mastered timelapse and copter filming technologies, generated lots of ideas during team discussions, took part in ping-pong competition and supported each other, when something went wrong. They waked up early in the morning to make just that excellent picture, studied the hive construction and caugth some grasshoppers together)))

During 10 days they had a series of educational excursions, tried themselves as the cartoon makers and artists, and finally made their first complete short films.

Campus program

Our campus had a wide activity list:

  • 2 educational excursions to industrial enterprises
  • series of theoretical anp practical classes
  • cartoon creation tournament
  • each day foreign language classes
  • film creation tournament
  • some creative practice
  • sports tournament
  • everyday walks on the fresh air

A busy schedule of events allowed the children not only to enjoy their vacation in a pleasant company, but also to gain a lot of new knowledge and practical experience in various areas.

Children created their own toys from improvised means and used lots of specialized photo and video equipment and software.

Sense of beauty

It is human nature to transmit information in different ways. In the camp, we had time to discuss in detail the work of great scientists, artists, composers. In the classroom, we studied the mechanisms invented not only by such classics as Leonardo da Vinci, but also by our contemporaries like David C. Roy and Martin Molin. Martin's "Marble Machine" inspired the students so much that one of the teams decided to use his music in their film.
Later we continued the conversation, but from the point of view of the information richness of Leonardo's artwork. And the guys themselves turned out to be not only talented engineers, but also were able to prove themselves as artists.


Landstraßer Hauptstraße, 148, Stiege 1, Top B2, Vienna, Austria, 1030
Pražská 11, office 716, Bratislava